sábado, 7 de março de 2009

Black stereotypes

Early stereotypes:

In centuries before and during the first half of the 20th century black people were often depicted as dumb, evil, lazy, poor, animalistic, smelly, uncivilized, un-Christian people. The early British colonists brought these initial thoughts with them to the US. White colonists commonly believed that black people were inferior to white people. These thoughts helped to justify black slavery and the institution of many laws that continually condoned inhumane treatment and perpetuated to keep black people in a lower socioeconomic position. Black people were usually depicted as slaves or sevants, working in cane fields or carrying large piles of cotton . They were often portrayed as devout Christians going to church and singing gospel music.

Modern black stereotypes:

Since the 1960s the stereotypical image of black people has changed in some media. More positive depictions appeared where black people and African-Americans are portrayed as great athletes and superb singers and dancers. In many films and television series since the 1970s black people are depicted as good natured, kind, honest and intelligent persons.

Sources: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stereotypes#Racial_and_ethnic_stereotyping

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