sexta-feira, 6 de março de 2009


So what is Interculturality?

The term interculturality refers to any aspect of any interaction between any cultures. A culture is understood as a group of people with a common identity that is based on common attributes, attitudes, practices and so on (such as a community of practice). Culture can include language, ways of thinking, ways of life, institutions, laws, rules of etiquette, sexual practices, material objects. When two groups meet whose cultures differ signific
antly in any respect, interculturality becomes an issue.

Interculturality is becoming increasingly important in the modern world as more and more people migrate from one country to another to escape from conflict, persecution or poverty, or to reunite families. Interculturality is often problematic, because racism and xenophobia are widespread and locals and migrants often compete for limited resources or employment opportunities. But interculturality also has benefits, including cultural enrichment and creativity.

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