sexta-feira, 6 de março de 2009

Illegal immigration

Illegal immigration refers to immigration across national borders in a way that violates the immigration laws of the destination country. In politics, the term may imply a larger set of social issues and time constraints with disputed consequences in areas such as economy, social welfare, education, health care, slavery, prostitution, legal protections, voting rights, public services, and human rights. Conversely, Illegal emigrtion refers to unlawfully leaving a country.

The primary cause of immigration is poverty.
Some people just want to escape war in the country of origin or non-economic push factors like persecution.

Dangers of illegal immigration:

Illegal immigrants expose themselves to dangers while engaged in illegal entry to another country. Aside from the possibility that they may be intercepted and deported, some considerably more dangerous outcomes have been known to result from their activity. As an example, illegal immigrants may be trafficked for exploitation.


Some people forced into sexual slavery face challenges of charges of illegal immigration.


Each year there are several hundred immigrant deaths along U.S- Mexico border. Death by exposure occurs in the deserts of Southwestern United States during the hot summer season.


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